How to pass exam? The exams are challenging, so students will need every possible strategy to prepare for and pass these exams. One popular method that students have used over the years to pass exams is memorization.
Exams usually test students’ ability to remember what they have learned. While it is good to understand the concepts of a particular subject, it is not good to forget about them during exams. Because of this, many people prefer memorization as part of their learning strategies.

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Methods on How to Pass Exam
1) Skimming
When you skim instead of reading a whole chapter. In that case, you will be using your time more efficiently and giving yourself more opportunities to keep only the important things and throw away the unimportant ones.
Instead of reading everything and filling your memory with lots of information, try to identify the most important ones and dedicate them to memory. Usually, the things to be remembered appear in the text, written in bold, italicized.
2) Highlighting
This works well if you’ve had time to read before the test or exam. The first thing you need to do is read your text. Don’t mark anything yet – just read. The problem most people face with highlighting is finding information to highlight, not to read, to understand the material.
So read first, then try to summarize what you had on your mind and go back to highlight the main concepts. When it’s time for the test, all you have to do is select the highlighted material so that you don’t have to go through everything again.
3) Know Your Learning Style
Everyone has a different learning style. Find out what type of student you are and follow the effective learning style that suits your personality in Singapore exam. There are three common types of learning skills: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic skills.
Knowing the right method for you will make it easier for you to learn and remember your lessons without making them difficult.
4) Rewrite Notes
Start from a blank paper. As you write your notes, in addition to reading, you will have the opportunity to meditate on what you have written and effectively memorize it.
This technique is perfect for both visual and kinesthetic learners. Don’t forget to highlight the notes with colored pens for better memory. It just takes a little effort to get it all into your brain.
5) Study at the Right Time
Determine which study time is best for you. Remember not to do this during the day when you are feeling tired. You will not be able to process what you are studying with a busy brain.
The best time to study is early in the morning. In the morning after breakfast, your senses are in their most energetic and receptive state. This will give you more time in the afternoon to do other things or to review your lesson. Some students study best at midnight. It depends on your environment.
How to pass exam? Memorization is an excellent learning tool, especially when the topic involves a series of formulas or facts. Write formulas on notes or charts and stick them on the bedroom wall or wherever you spend most of your time. Make sure to read these notes a few times a day, especially if you’ve just woken up or before you go to bed.
In addition to memorizing, you should also practice with previous work. Most exams usually contain a large number of questions that have been previously tested. Practising with previous papers gives you an overview of how the actual exam will go.